
Combining medicine..?

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I was just wondering what happens when you combine certain medicine. Let's say 3 ibuprofen and a dose of nighquill. What would happen??




  1. well if its not approve by your doctor u can have some organ damage or u can die

  2. lights out

  3. HI,

    You should sleep well and be pain free.

    good night

    I'm adding this cuz people don't realize you have to take a lot over a long time to cause liver damage.

    if you just don't feel well it's safe for tonight and tomorrow  but don't keep doing it just to get somesleep.

  4. Nightquil had pain relievers in it. (Acetamorphin - Tylenol)

    Taking all these medicines puts a strain on your liver. You really shouldn't take tylenol and ibuprofen (motrin, advil) at the same time.

    It would all depend on the strength, but I wouldn't do it again.

    Just because medications are over the counter doesn't mean they are "safe". Medications need to be taken as directed.

  5. You'd sleep through the night.  3 Ibuprofen is a very small dose when you consider the milligram strength is 200 per pill and the RX strength is 800 per pill.  

    I don't recommend it, but i take 600 mg for a headache.

    Sleep well.
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