
Combining sequential photos with same background in photoshop....?

by  |  earlier

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The term has escaped me.

Here's what I want to do.

I have about 40 sequential photos of my brother running and dunking a basketball. I used a tripod, so the background does not move at all.

The only thing that moves is him.

Now, I want to combine all these photos into one photo. So basically, it will just look like a blur, with about him in 40 different positions while the background remains the same.

What is this called? And how do I do it in photoshop? (or other program?)





  1. open all pics in one photoshop window (make sure you drag and Aline all of them)..

    so you have 40....number them from closes to hoop to farthest from hoop.....

    the one on the top will be the farthest from hoop...(#1)

    leave this one at 20%fill (transparency)


    #2   25%fill

    and so on until you have all of the ones you want to add

    so as the picture gets closer to hoop he will get more colorful ....use eraser to se behind where the other picture are should have the lined up you just need to erase a little from each picture to see the picture behind it ..

    Is hard to explain ...If you want I can do it for you ..e-mail me the pics to

    Good luck ..

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