
Comcast help?

by  |  earlier

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HOw much do it cost if you want to buy channels other then like the basic if you want noggin




  1. Not alot but try looking for something in special so it can be cheaper.

  2. your bill will go from like 30 to about 50 to 75.

    if you can go with dish network, the basic channel set up has noggin. i serached around, since my 3 yr old cant live with out it. that and it has about 8 disney and kid channels.

    good luck!

  3. No cable or satelitte provider sells channels individually, only exception is like Comcast, you can get by itself...premium channels//PLAYBOY/INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS but you must subcribe to a minimal service & have a cable box, for now all other channels for whatever reason you cannot get individually b/c of bus. & tech reasons...companies would have to negotiate individually w/ each channel...most channels are single companies that give access to diff. providers, then invest in the techn. to make it happen, & overhaul billing systems to make it functionable. We are talking major $$ for an unpredictable service that may or may not prove worth it in the end. For now noggin is in Digital Classic...or whatever its called it in your area, part of a channel package abt 30+ chs anywhere from $8-15 in comcast regions. All providers offer channel pkges, gives you the packages & price, its up to  customers to decide what they want no company forces people into it no matter how much one complains abt price...there are plenty of options to but a customers responsibility is to choose one that fits price first, entertainment needs matter who the cable/satelitte provider is.
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