
Comcast or Verizon??? Near King of Prussia, PA?

by Guest56458  |  earlier

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Hi, I am trying to decide whether I want to keep my comcast or switch to verizon. I have had comcast for 5 years now, no problems, and if they ever have to come to the house, they are perfectly nice. However, my friend I am moving in with is impartial to Verizon. We will be able to get FIOS at our new place which I have heard is really fast and worth it. Is that true? Anyone out there that has had both and could tell me which I'd be better off with? I pay 42.95 now for internet, which is about what fios is.

As far as TV goes, I'm also very used to comcast and on demand and that whole thing. I'm a little hesitant to switch to Verizon TV just because I'm so comfortable with comcast. I'd also be able to get fios tv.

I dont know much about all that stuff. Is FIOS really that much better? Anyone have good experience or bad experiences with either? My roommate swears Verizon is better at customer service.

any help would be awesome!




  1. Hi Egrov,

    My experience with Comcast is similar to yours. They have been reliable, tripled my Internet at no extra charge.

    That said I have also heard great things about FIOS.

    What I would probably do is stick with Comcast until I learned a bit more about FIOS.


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