
Come home madeleine we miss you

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First l wish with all my heart that Maddy would return to us, but how many, more people are going to tell us that the definitely saw Maddy but did not do anything about it ..yesterday a man said he recognised Maddy by the mark in her right eye but chose to do nothing as he did not want to cause a fuss, if its true that these people did see Maddy and did nothing then they are responsible for her not being found , they can also be classed as either attention seekers or bloody liars. What do you think....J




  1. Why do you miss her? was she a big part of your life? If she returns will it really be to "us"?  Undoubtedly her parents/family miss her desperately but this sentimental "me too, look at me I'm hurting" stuff turns my stomach. Lots of little blonde girls superficially resemble this one, the difference in her eye makes her more distinctive but there are lots of sad people who want a bit of media attention and more genuine people who think it might be her who lack the confidence to do anything about it. They are not to blame for the situation. I'm not sure blame is a useful concept at this point, neither is leaping on the mawkish band-wagon of collective pain in an attempt to appear sensitive.

  2. So someone was clever enough to snatch her, mover her across borders but too stupid not too change her appearance and keep her away from the public!!

    These people are simply fantasists and attention seekers!!

    Kate and Gerry wont mind though because it keeps the focus away from Portugal and any search for a body!!

  3. I think that people should remember that there are loads of other children missing in the world and not just this one girl.  The way they go on they act like she is the only missing child in the world.

    Lets face facts.  Ben Needham disappeared about 16 years ago and he has never been found.  So why do they think Maddy will be found?  Her parents are to blame for leaving her and her 2 siblings alone in a foreign country in a hotel room that was allegedly being checked every 20 mins.  Bull.  For 2 doctors to leave 3 children alone shows the sheer irresponsibility of these 2 alleged professionals.  They have to live with this for the rest of their lives and then have to explain to the other 2 children where their sister has gone.

    Regardless of whether anyone spots her now,  her parents should be made accountable for their actions.  Or is nothing being done to them because of their status?

    Makes you think - if someone else left their kids alone would they be in severe trouble with the authorities? Yes is the answer.

    She is missing and probably will now never be found. Ben Needham has never been found.  So why does everyone assume she will be?


  4. Oh please, as much as we all want Madeleine to be returned safely all these stupid posts and questions are nonsense

    Quote: I wish Maddy would return to us............ who is 'us' she doesn't belong to us and why are you calling her Maddy when she is known as Madeleine

    Give over, there are millions of missing children throughout the world, Madeleine is just high profile and always will be but silly people like you need to get a life and stop posting rubbish

  5. you're a freak, why are you so concerned about a dead girl who's been missing for so long?

    Plenty of people go missing and are never seen again, many of them children, whats different about this case except the amount of media attention?

  6. Your post worries me, why should you be so interested in little Madeleine? Why should she be returned to 'us' and who are 'we'?  Do you know something that the police may be interested in? We all pray for Madeleine and all the other missing children but we do not refer to them as belonging to us. Kate and Gerry think, rightly so, that their precious little girl is a Princess but that does not qualify her to be classed officially as Royalty. I think that it is you who is the attention seeker. Stick to looking for Marilyn Monroe wallpaper, it suits you better.

  7. What I think is that Maddy is dead...and its about time time we put as much effort into finding all the other missing kids in the country that don't have the luxury of all this air time!

  8. I do not know what to think really. It is such a confusing matter, if I saw Maddie and I was hundred percent it was her then I would probably punch the person whos holding her or restraining her. I would do everything possible to get that little girl away from the person. I do not see how these people can claim to have seen her and done nothing at the time. But at least these people give Maddie's parents some knid of hope.

  9. They are attention seeking retarded liars.

    Madelaine is dead. The human body fluids in the hired car have never been explained. It may not be enough for a court to convict, but it is enough for me to be sure.

  10. I think that you have posted this question in the wrong category.This is the Royalty category and as far as I remember,the Maddy child is/was not Royalty.You may have a better response to your question in a different category.

    Edit.......The lady below has said exactly what I wanted to say but I didn't have the balls.

  11. i may be wrong, but i think the parents did it. I mean they found her blood in their car after she dissapeared, also can i ask what's this to do with royalty?

  12. Hello i think its so awful what happened to maddy , I look at my children and think and it breaks my heart , I feel so sad for her family and pray sometime she will come home.

    For the people that said yawn and attention seeker all i want to say is there somthing wrong with you how heartless can yous be i think yous need to wise up we all no about the other poor children that are missing but this question is about maddy so get a ******* heart theres no need for that.

  13. This question has been posted in royalty.

    Please do not pander to the  parents own opinions of themselves.

  14. I believe that she is dead  & has been since the day she went missing. A small percentage of the "sightings" will have been made by people that genuinely think they saw her & are trying to help but the majority will have been made by people eager for their fifteen minutes of fame for whatever reason.

  15. I am British and live in Germany. Last year as I was driving through the village I saw a man who I had never seen before playing with a little girl who, from that distance, just looked like Maddie.

    I slammed on the breaks and ran over to the pair and I am sorry to say quite shocked the both of them.

    I peered into the little girls eyes and I saw no "special mark". Just to check - because I wildly thought she could have contact lenses in - I questioned the girl in English and asked what her name was. With which she burst into tears and asked her father in perfect German what this crazy woman was saying.

    I apologised profoundly and explained about my crazy thoughts. the man unerstood fully and said this had happened a few times.

    So dear Asker - we are not mad people, just concerned about a terrible tragedy and like you want a little girl to be found safe and well.

  16. Yawn again, it tough and it's savage but life moves on, she got loads of media attention because she's a nice looking blonde kid, pity the poor parents who's kids don't fit the bill and therefore don't have a £million pot to continue investigations

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