
Come on American athletes, we can't let the commies win! Who else would like to see a democracy win the games?

by  |  earlier

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would love to see that totalitarian country lose it....

Fake firework displays, corrupt boxing and badminton judges, and Lord knows what else.




  1.   ;-}   MEee,'.~!!!   .,.rRr.,.

  2. China's government spends over a billion dollars a year to train their athletes. The US government spends nothing.

    Subsidize training (ala East Germany and USSR in the cold war), and you will win the most medals.

  3. Responding to the idea that sports is separate from politics (and not to start a flame war), that's a bit idealistic. I think supporting the games is tacitly supporting the host; and this year's host doesn't exactly have a clean record, and could probably have done a lot of things better. Plus, inflated communist egos are never a good thing. I think we all know that.

    Did anyone see the US vs. Russia Men's Team Sabre? Most epic victory I've ever seen! Keeth Smart is a freakin' hero!

  4. The true Olympic spirit.

  5. Well, that's sporting of you.

  6. As a member of the Elect Obama '08 team, I'm pulling for:

    1. Iranian athletes

    2. Cuban athletes

    3. Chinese athletes

    4. North Korean athletes

    5. Any communist, muslim, anti-American athlete competing.

  7. the best should reallywin go usa and best answer plz

  8. I don't like mixing sports and politics. May the best *athletes* win!

  9. maybe if America gave a dam about its athletes the 3 1/2 some odd years there not in the Olympics they would do better. this county overlooks under funds and under appreciated its talent until they stand out for a week then we act like were so proud of them and there all we talk about for a month then they disappear and its back to reality (tv).  

  10. you are a complicated, sick man.  I read most of your  Q&A's before I put too much of my emotions into answering this. . YOU are the A-Typical of people who come on here to F with people. You have no real substance, no real intellectual balance.. you just F with people. You are a very angry man who throws it out to the web. I can only hope that the ones who zip thru the questions have the sense to hit your avatar and read what you are really about before answering you.    

  11. I think about it this way. I really don't care who wins. Why you may ask? Will whoever wins make any difference in my life? No! I really doubt that unless one of the winners is related to you it will make no difference in your life either.  

  12. The Olympics is about international relationships, and that, kids, is politics.

    China sees this event as a world-wide recognition that they are beginning to become the dominant power in the world, and tacit compliance with their corrupt methods compounded with an overall athletic victory would confirm this for them.

    The American athletes have a duty not only to themselves and their country, but to the world, to insure that the Chinese are unable to claim victory. Likewise, all freedom-loving people have a duty to prevent the totalitarian, communist state of China from becoming the preeminent world power by own political and economic action.  

  13. I don't really care I just want to see the best athletes in the world compete.

    Isn't the olympics supposed to be about the world coming together?

  14. democracy would win at the event for "Most spurious reasons to invade other countries".

    While Osama seems likely to yet again pick up the hide & seek gold.

  15. The spirit of the Olympics has nothing to do with politics. All of the participants have trained really hard to be there, and it's about who has made the most of this training.

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