
Come on america you have experience of this?

by  |  earlier

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asked before but I am really trying to find an answer; I suffered stevens johnson syndrome when very young; could it have caused depresion for the rest of my life on and of? I really need an anwer because I i dont know why it keeps happening and I am really fed up I think I am okay and then I am not;.




  1. well you are posting it in the wrong section. That's probably why you are not getting an answer.


    sorry, but depression has no relation to your sickness. you may just be depressed naturally. try talking to a psychiatrist. it may help.

  3. i never have heard of this

  4. I would say it certainly could, but have you sought treatment for your depression?

    You should see your doctor. There are non-addictive medications that can correct the chemical imbalance in your brain that causes this general run-down, unmotivated, moody, sad or easily irritated state of mind which is usually diagnosed as clinical depression.

    You may only need a mild daily dose. It usually takes several weeks before the medication 'kicks in', but after that you will find, as you regain your 'balance', that life is getting better, your mood will improve, you will feel more confident about yourself in front of your friends and others, and your motivation to do things will return.

    When you have recovered, and you will realize this yourself, you can be gradually weaned off the medication and possibly go through the rest of your life without further help. However, some people need to stay on these courses for a long time, and there's nothing to fear or be ashamed about if that happens in your case.

    Millions of people of all ages have been helped in this way, but first you should see your doctor.

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