
Come on let's have some postives instead negatives about the UK?

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Why don't we praise the good work of our firemen, RNIB; RNID; The coastguards services; mountain rescue services, nurses and those working in the voluntary sector and the thousands that raise vast mount of money for charity instead of us having a down on everything?




  1. I love living in England,


    We don't suffer any major natural disasters, big earthquakes, volcanos, tidal wave, (just the bit flooding everynow and again) We don't suffer droughts, famine or epidemics, TB was nearly wiped out till others brought it from outside, We give people a new life and a chance to earn a living despite race, religion etc.  

    How many other places in the world can say the same.

    Whoever said mother england was correct (i'll thumb up your answer) England is mother to the rest of the world.

  2. The UK is the best, why do you think everyone wants to come to our overcrowded little island?

  3. Sorry . I think the UK is the most depressing place on earth.

    People actually go there to earn money as there are no restrictions with sending funds out of the country.

  4. Mother England.

    Enough said.

  5. Nettie, doesn't it depend on where you are in the UK? Spent last summer in Norfolk (Wroxham and Norwich, on the boats), and the kindness of people almost brought tears to my eyes, but you will have to admit that a large number of inhabitants have become cynical and rude, be it due to the continuous pages of doom in the papers, or the fact that society as a whole is apathetic of late - maybe even in Norwich itself!

    Nick - good news never sells!

  6. I agree we are just not as patriotic as the Americans are we? We need to focus on the positives a little more than we focus on the negatives.

  7. well said.

  8. The one time I was in the UK (mostly just London) I found the people very friendly and enjoyed my time there greatly.

    More specifically, to one of the groups you mention (the firemen), I have to more than tip my hat.  I was in London 5 days after the tragedy of September 11, 2001.  One day, I was walking back from Harrods and happened to pass a firehouse.  I was across the street and did a double take when I saw the American flag hanging above the garage doors.  There were three firemen there with a table set up, collecting money for us, for the Americans, for the victims of 9/11.  I went over and told the Firemen how much that meant to me as an American and how much I appreciated it.  I couldn't thank them enough.  It brought tears to my eyes to see what they were doing and it still makes my eyes watery to this day.

    I will always have a special appreciation for the Brits for the generosity I saw and the kinship I felt that day.

  9. Well here in Yorkshire we have Yorkshire puddings and Parkin. The people will generally help you if you're lost and people will start conversations with you about anything and everything! The beautiful countryside is second to none.

    With all that said, I'm still moving abroad lol.

  10. i think that the is actually a good variety of weather (some times) all though i reckon a lot of people would disagree with me there

  11. Go to the UK and pay 10 dollars for a gallon of gas. Deal with the crappy weather. Never be able to see a real game of football. Stuff my legs into a mini cooper. Social medicine. If I wanted that I would have voted for hilary clinton. Thanks I'm good.

    Wait what the drinking age is 18... get me to the airport

  12. This country has a lot going for it,but it is being eroded by the people at the top.

    I feel this country is knackered.

  13. The problem is the government is destroying many of these services. So praising the nurses (who I agree are wonderful) is a bit short-sighted, unless one also points out that the NHS is rapidly being sold off.

  14. Our renowned sense of humour, beautiful rolling fields, quaint lovely villages with alluring cottages and old cobblestones, best Police Force in the world, impressive historical buildings, this sacred isle, this England.

  15. true say, everytime you watch the news its all about the sad things, i see so many good things yet they are never in the news

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