
Come out completely or leave it personal?

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Some people say it's better to come out - only then you can be yourself.

Some say, have your personal life, but don't come out at work. Which means hide it from pretty much everyone, since people talk...

I guess, their views depend on their situations, but I want to know, which of those two ways of thinking is more popular. What's yours?




  1. i say come out completely. why would it matter if your coworkers or whatever knew you were L*****n, g*y,or bisexual? they can't do anything about it cus your still a human being, why hide it from people? if they treat you differently then that's their problem because i bet you if you didn't say anything they wouldn't treat you differently, but why make friends for the wrong reason? i'd rather let people know that i'm a bisexual and have people love me for who i am, then have people love me because of what the think i am. what you said is right, it does depend on their views, my view is i'd rather let people know who i really am then lie about who i am.

  2. personal

  3. Well when yr a teen leave it personal cuz other teen are mean and justhurt ful and u come out when u are 100% sure

  4. I think that there is no point in telling the people you wouldn't discuss your personal life with anyway. That being said, I don't like the idea of taking special precautions to hide it either.

    Either way, job security is more important than small talk with coworkers.  

  5. I'd leave it personal at work, but id tell my parents but there's still a risk of them telling other people

  6. personal

    i've only told my bff and i threatened them with bodily harm if they blabed it till i was ready

  7. My view is coming out or not is a highly personal decision and that each person must decide, considering all the circumstances and possible consequences, whether to come out or not -- and it does not matter what is the more popular view amongst other people.

    I also think that the world would be a better place if everyone were "out" -- without the need to "come out".  That, unfortunately, is not going to happen in the foreseeable future.

    As for me, I have never lied about my sexual orientation but I don't see the need to tell everyone about it either.  I tell those who need to know, and those whom I feel comfortable telling.  (The two groups do not overlap totally.)  If someone asks, I may or may not answer, depending on why they are asking.  Frankly, a person's sexual orientation, like most personal matters, is rarely anybody else's business.  I don't usually tell people what religious beliefs I may have, my favorite color, my least favorite food, or other things about me UNLESS there's a reason to tell.

    So, am I "out"?  I think I am, but I know some would disagree.  I am confident I am myself, though.

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