
Come out of her my people, if you do not want to share in her punishment...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike the third party voting constituency. Ahhh....a modification of a quote from biblical prophecy about the demmie/repubie party, err I mean babalon the great.

How long can the demmie/repubie facade go on before the American constituency FINALLY wakes up & realizes that they've voted in magicians instead of constitutionally based representatives???




  1. Some Americans woke up in 1992, 1996 and 2000, but it wasn't enough.  Maybe 8 years of Bush and 4 years of Obama will wake the majority, but I doubt it.

  2. That must be some good stuff you're on, Bobo.

    This is all stuff that makes sense when you're high, but I think you'd better lay off.  Don't do any more hits for now, okay?  

    Peace out, brother.    

  3. One more hit and you're gonna have a stroke.

    No, really, put the pipe down until it cools off (if you can).

    Give it a rest for a minute.

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