
Comets and Goldfish, will they breed?

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I have 3 goldfish and 3 comets in a massive tank and I want to know if they will breed and if they will when? And will the comets breed with goldfish ?? Any tips?




  1. No they will not. They are diferent species. It has been reported though that they do. But you have 3 of both species. Comets may nip the fins or bully the fancy tail goldfish.

  2. Comets and fancy goldfish will not breed together, they are different species within a family group.  It would be like guppies and swordtails within the livebearer group (ain't gonna happen).

    Goldfish are egg scatterers and like lots of bushy plants in their tank for spreading their eggs out in.  When the males are ready to spawn, they will develop white tubercules (raised bumps) on their gill covers, the females do not have them.  

    Age is the determining factor, they all must be mature sexually before any will even attempt to spawn.  You must also have males and females.


  3. hi i am a Marine Boilogist, comets and gold fish are extreamly hard to breed in a comunity tank. you obviously need a male and female, but still the chances are very rare of this happening, unless you go to your local fish store and ask for special treatment to make them frisky

    <(^.^)>, but you would need to put them in a different tank to other fish =]

  4. All gold fish belong to the same species Carassius auratus.  All goldfish have been created from one species even though they may be categoryied in 4 basic groups.  ALL goldfish can cross breed.

    This is how you get your fancy's, shubs, watkins etc.  your 3 goldfish, are they common.  this will make breeding with comets easier since they are both larger versions of the fish.  Yes they can and will breed.

    Goldfish as well as koi can all breed.  Mostly by accident, however a male goldfish isn't worried if the female is a koi, a fancy, a shub or a common.  They will attempt to get the female to drop eggs and then they will fertalize them.  Controlled breeding will keep some species from breeding out of control as well as culling.

    Breeding happens usually in spring and fall.  However a young female can come in to eggs at any time.  then the males will fertilize the eggs.

    Don't worry, if you have males and females they will breed with no help from you.

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