
Comfortable Salary in Perth?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone,

I'm contemplating bet moving to Perth or Melbourne. Looking at the rental rates, it's clear that prices are alot higher in perth. Thus, i was wondering what's a decent salary to live comfortably in Perth.

would 80k-90k pa be considered comfortable? (It's just me and my wife)

thanks for your inputs! :)




  1. $80-90K each would be good, but if it's combined and you have kids, and require a house not a unit, then it'll be a bit tough.

    According to the latest release of "Australian Economic Indicators" by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on page 130,

    The average wages are $1,221.47 per week for Males and $663.16 per week for females in Western Australia.

    So, $110-130K before tax, for combined income would be considered as just average in Perth, and indeed this would coincide with how much you'd need to pay bills, health insurance, fuel, shopping, rent and live in an average suburb like Rossmoyne or Duncraig..

  2. Yes most def!!

    80-90g p.a with no morgage, youd be laughing..

    Id choose perth over melbs any day!!

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