
Comin down of drugs, new city , no friends, what to do?

by  |  earlier

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i just moved back home and i have ben addicted to meth for a lot of years and i am about tocome down . I have tryed cleaning up a few times before but i always relap what do i do to try and not relap like i have before?




  1. Call Intergroup of AA. They'll be able to help you out.

  2. try to move somewhere else or go to a mall or something and try to talk to people That might work

  3. Call your local recovery hotline immediately.  They will have someone assigned to help you through everything you might need.  Especially, if you want to clean up and meet new friends, have help with housing, etc. Try beginning with the AA hotline and they will direct you to NA people which might be an easier way to start.  PLEASE get help.  I've been in your shoes and was nearly dead once in the ER, when somone came to help me.    

  4. Smoke pot, its the cure for everything. You still get drugs yet its way less harmfull.

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