
Coming down from manic phase, hallucinations, delusions, severe depression, help me?

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like the title says im coming down from a manic phase. first i started having psychotic episode, and now im feeling worthless. all these people posting questions about being suicidal and stuff makes it worse cuz now i feel suicidal. i dont think i will try to kil myself but i have once in the past 2 months and cant control myself in my depressive states.

any songs that cheeer you up, words of advice, anything please.

if u'd rather talk on yahoo messenger check my pro, im is on their




  1. You really need to see your GP as first port of call, and explain in full how you feel, they are the ones who can get you the right sort of help to get you through this.  The other thing to do is to ring the Samaritans on 08457 909090 (if you are in the UK), they are there 24 hours and they won't judge you, they will listen.  When you get the right sort of help you will find it easier to understand why you feel the way you do, and will eventually learn how to manage yourself through the difficult days.

    It may not feel like it now, but things will get better I promise, just have belief in yourself.

    As for music?, well I usually play upbeat, pop c**p like "it's raining men" to lift my mood! ;o)

    I wish you all the very best x

  2. See a psychiatrist or counselor. If you can't afford it, there are usually social agencies in every city that proved some sort of free or sliding scale help. If you really have some sort of chemical imbalance, words of advice and songs won't help. Only medication. If it is only mental and not physical, they can still help you. The things you mentioned to cheer you up would be a quick fix, you really need to get to real cause of these feelings. For now, maybe find a hobby, something you enjoy doing, and really count your blessings. I know when I have problems, I try to be thankful for what I have (there are always people way less fortunate than you) and realize that everything happens for a reason- even a seemingly negative situation may work out for the best in the future (you lose your job, but there's a better one out there for you, your car won't crank or you're stuck in traffic- that extra time might have stopped you from getting into a bad wreck, etc.) For laughs, I like SpongeBob and Family Guy. So there's my advice- either counseling or SpongeBob- or both! Good luck and don't ever think of killing yourself- that's a very permanent solution to temporary problems. If you get to feel that way, let someone know immediately- even if you just call some sort of hotline.

  3. Well, I'd suggest a trip to a counsellor's office asap.  Really.  Music isn't going to sort you out completely.  

    However, try to be nice to yourself.  Buy yourself something to amuse yourself with - a set of paints or a new notebook or whatever it is you like to do and try to let the depression out that way.  If you can get up the energy, try to go jogging or for a swim - that releases endorphins which will offer at least temporary relief.  

    Think about your thinking  a bit, but if you notice the logic gettin circular, interrupt it!  And if you really think you're going to kill yourself, get thee to the emergency room!  

    Good music, I'd suggest The Submarines - its cheery and silly, but that sounds like what you need now.

    Good luck man!

  4. I was suicidal once too but ask all my friends now and they will tell you I'm the most cheerful person they've ever met. I think the trick to making you feel useful is to imagine all your friends and family that would be devastated if you DID die. Trust me, there's a lo more than you think. Also, you know, technically we're all dying (or aging if you want to put it that way) so live life to the fullest because it'll be gone before you know it.

  5. Perhaps this is the wrong place to hang out in if you are going through a depressive phase... is there anyway that changes in dosages may help you get through that phase or do you just have to ride it out?

    I am not manic-depressive but I do go through bouts of depression - usually when I think of money and relationships, lol. When this happens I try to keep to a strict routine of housework, work and going out socialising and staying in the sun more.

  6. Hi Gabe,

    I answered another question of yours a little while ago. As I stated there coming off your meds cold turkey is very dangerous. I hope you thought about what I said.

    Just to let you know I myself hear voices and have gone through what your going through now. Please, if things get ot much to handle call 911 or get yourself to the nearest ER.

    Please feel free to email or IM me anytime.

    Take care and never give up!


  7. wen i get that way i dig deep an think of happy thoughts..songs are great i listen to r&b the oldies

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