
Coming off Suboxone on a 2mg daily dosage?

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What would be the length of withdrawal when you discontinue the medication suboxone. At 2mg daily, how long will the withdrawals last??




  1. Julia, legally your doctor is suppose to have a special license to prescribe that drug. I take it that yours is not specially trained or you have lost faith in him. As a pharmacist I can tell you that 90% of the peaple that take that drug are on the 8mg, so you are in a great position to kick this thing. I do not have the spesific information that you ask, but I would guess you could still wean yourself to a half tab if you still have access. Please resist supplementing with other narcotics as I think that would be a major setback. I hope you have a doctor who will help you kick this as I am sure one helped you get into it.

    Good luck

  2. Hi Julia,

            I've been on suboxone for over 3 years and I'm finally coming off of it. Unfortunately my doctor isn't any help with giving me a clue what to do. So I've started weening myself off. I started at 16mg a day and I've gotten myself down to 2mg a day now. Its weird sometimes i feel sick and sometimes i don't. When i feel sick i never take extra pills CZ I'm determined to get off this ****. Anyways, Ive heard from people that i know that have been through it and they say the best way to get off is to have your doctor per scribe klonidine for the withdrawal symptoms. The ones that have been through it say it works..Good luck


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