
Coming off hormonal BC??

by  |  earlier

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My last Depo shot is about to wear off and I was wondering if anyone here has had any problems coming off of hormones and whatever the story with that is, I don't mind long responses. Anyway, I'm worried I'll go crazy or something and just want to know what everyone else has experienced.




  1. I was on it and I had withdrawls but it was more like caffenie withdrawls. Headaches but my weight came down too. It helped for me to workout and burn thru it faster.

    I really liked the depo shots and never had any issues with them. I always recommend this one over all the other BC's. But if you are ready to come down off of it you will not go crazy.

    BTW, It took a whole year for my period to return.

    Also I got off of it because hubby got fixed for me so I didn't have to be on injections.

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