
Coming off the pill question!?

by  |  earlier

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ive just started my 7 day break from the pill and after this i was originally planning on going off the pill but I'm worried because if i stay on then i should just finish my period before my holiday which would be great because i cant have a period on holiday because ill be in the water a lot and doing sport with no easy access to toilets. but if i go off the pill then will i have a period or some kind of weird period during my holiday as a result of going off it and having my hormones all messed up because the first month i went on the pill i got spotting so bad it was basically a period that lasted a month. do you think that will happen again? also how long does it take after coming off the pill for your cycle to return back to normal? so basically my main question is do you think i should stay on the pill another month or just come off it when i was first planning too? because I'm sure we could wait another month without trying to conceive. but i'd rather do what was planned with my doctor. ive decided to ask this in here becase i think you guys would know more about coming off the pill than those in womens health. thanks x




  1. Depending on how long you will be on holiday, I would stay on the pill for one more month, unless you are hoping to get pregnant sooner as opposed to later.  You most likely won't get your period right away anyways.  I should know!  I went off the pill in February and finally had my first period in August, so TTC can be very difficult at first.  Goodluck and enjoy your holiday!!

  2. I'd say stay on the pill another month, it would be easier all round, i know i wouldnt enjoy my holiday if i was on my period. I can take up to 6 months after coming off the pill for your periods to settle into a routine again.  

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