
Coming out in your early to late 20s?

by Guest65276  |  earlier

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I have a friend that I suspect is g*y, but he's in his early 20s. Do people come out that late in life still? There's no religious beliefs that would affect him and he doesn't live at home anymore, plus his parents would be accepting. However, he exhibits a lot of closeted g*y signs, even his friends think so. He's my best friend, and I'm not looking to invade his space or get with him, I'm just curious why he'd struggle with it (if he is g*y) if he has a bunch of g*y friends too. Any thoughts as to why someone might be hesitant still?




  1. It's been a secret for so long and I'm sure it's scary to come out to people because you don't know how they are going to react to you or the news.  If he is though I sure hope he does soon, it can't be fun to be living a lie.

  2. Maybe he doesn't like labels, like me.  Once you're labeled g*y/bi/straight your for some reason expected to act accordingly.  For me, sometimes I feel bi, sometimes I feel g*y, its not a constant for me and maybe for your friend too.  Either than fear of rejection I can't think of another reason.

  3. Yes, people come out whenever they are ready.

  4. Society is all I can tell you. Being afraid of what people will think of him. Yes they can come out later in life. I know someone who is in his late 40s was married and had some children and just came out.

  5. what do you mean by coming out that late in life? besides i never think the sexual preference will change how that person is as an individual, except when it comes to choosing a partner. i believe your friend wants to taste freedom and how it's like to be independent. have some faith in him, my friend!

  6. I came out at 23 years old but I've known people who have came out during their 40's and 60's. Everyone comes out when the time is right for them.

  7. I agree that he certainly has a support network around him and you think his family would accept him, so there doesn't seem to be anything stopping him.  You may be forgetting one thing: he may not be ready and maybe he is still trying to figure himself out.  You are right not to try to force him out.  He will decide when his timing is right.  I am glad you are there for him as a friend and I'm sure he will count on your support now and in the future.  Just continue to be there for him and let him know you will support him.  Best of luck to you both.  

  8. 0_o huh?

    thats the normal age to come out.

    ppl dont trulty their sexuality until they pass their 20 -25's.

    if u r pass that age and still confused abt your sexuality, its because you're overthinking abt it and confuding yourself.

    if he isnt saying anything abt his sexuality, and hes in the perfect position to come out as g*y but doesnt do it......

    most likely its because....ure misreading him.

    he's most likely str8 or bisexual(it takes a little longer for them because of the strong biphobia nowindays)

    i dont really think your friend is g*y.

  9. He may be hesitabt because of a preconcieved iedea that he has.  He probably is scared of what might happen and that fear keeps him from coming.  On the other hand he may just not be g*y.

    Ask him a question.  Ask if he were g*y would he feel comfortable enough to tell you?  Then explain what type of freind you would be.

  10. I'm gonna came out after i move away. I'll be on my own an then my folks can't hurt me even if they want to, but i'm sure they'll deal with it pretty soon.  

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