
Coming out of the closet to CHRISTIAN friends?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and feel that i can't tell my friends that i'm a L*****n because a lot of my friends are christians are are very against it, they also might assume i'm hitting on them if i compliment them, or might not invite me to sleepovers because they might feel uncomfortable. I also don't know if i might change and become either straight or bi-sexual (i heard that you can in your teenage years). Do you think that i should just tell people anyway, or just keep it to myself.





  1. Well you're probably heard this 321242353 times but it's true, they aren't your real friends if they're not going to accept you when you come out.  If you do end up coming out, make sure to stress that you're still the same person, and that nothing is going to change between you and them.  Good luck!

  2. Take your time, you are still young.  Experiment, see what your preferences are.

    If you then feel like you are a L*****n or bisexual, you should maybe test the waters before coming, watch a talk show or other show which includes the topic of same-s*x relationships with your more conservative friends, and if they react negatively they might not be the best friends to tell first.  (I'd tell more open minded friends first).

    When you are so young, it is important to have a lot of support when coming out, that said - over time you will realize that TRUE friends will love and accept you regardless.

    Good luck :-)

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