
Comment on the Bulls vs. the Heat

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Besides the talent of LBJ and Wade, you have to look at the matchups. Talented as Bosh is, he takes plays and games off. His defense is average I believe. He will get his stats. But, look at how Toronto did last season -- they let the Bulls take the playoffs away from them. Sure Bosh was focusing on next season already, but that is the point, he is NOT a dedicated winner the way champions always are.

Next, LBJ is a huge talent, but again, he will quit on games. Look at his playoff performance.

The Bulls matchup great against the Heat. I will take Noah and Boozer over Bosh and Z any day. Derrick Rose will give Miller fits. Brewer should be able to slow Wade down a bit, just a bit. Luol Deng's defense against LBJ would the key. If he could keep LBJ looking mortal, say in the 20-25 point range, then the Bulls should do well.

I expect the Heat to win only about 60 games or less. I think they will have trouble against any team with a good center and inside game.

Also, any talented team that plays good TEAM ball will have a good chance against them.

Bottom line, Bosh is way over hyped, and LBJ is overvalued, too. He is a great talent, but he misses the hunger that you see in champions like Kobe, Jordan, Magic, Thomas, Bird, and so many others. That lack of hunger will result in LBJ having a career of few if any championships.

If they win, and that is a big if, it will because Wade has that hunger. But, the big egos of Bosh and LBJ will get in the way.

The Heat have the potential of not only not being in the finals, they have a chance of being a train wreck. Remember the old maxim -- "Pride Goeth Before the Fall".

I can't wait until the season starts.



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