
Comment onhow might the US improve the CA deficits accumulated, what are disadvantages of each of the options?

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Ban foreigners (chinese, japanese, south koreans and anyone else) from owning domestic assets. This will restrict the value of their exports (our imports) to their imports (our exports) to be equal. It will also restrict their exports of savings (our imports of savings). Similarly it will raise domestic interest rate (may undermine domestic investment) and hence boost savings.

Can someone please help me




  1. Ban foreigners, lmao, you should answer youre own questions first off. Check it out, banning or reducing the volume of imports can and will result in the same thing happening to us. Oh china we dont want your stuff. Which then can turn into oh well our friends in Opec are now going to shut you off. Check into the Iran, Russia, China connection sometime. Theyve got each other backed.  No right now illegal is immigration a bigger problem, many immigrants are virtually operating as pirates right now, they come in and fill jobs they shouldnt have, ie plundering, then ship this money back to their home countries!!! Ie taking money right out of our economy. Not to mention all the money that gets shipped to Narco-states. As for bring money from abroad into our country, we dont do a d**n thing that somebody else cant do cheaper, why in the h**l would people want to buy our overpriced junk. Because of the greed of our manufacturers we have a bad habit of making things that are intentionally never going to last very long. IE cars designed to break, or more correctly they dont try to engineer cars to last forever or even more than a few years without needing new parts, gotta think of the bottom line, haha.  

    On another note, anytime we do come up with a product it will without a doubt be reverse engineered and made by someone else cheaper.

      Hey though, this problems already being solved. Now were going to import workers!!!!! I really wish the greedheads much pain an suffering for this one, oh yay, now our biggest corporations are globally profitable and our ca deficit is fixed, but gee unemployment in the underclass is at an all time high,  

    can you say revolution? Seriously, forget about being global, the worlds seat of power is shifting to a russia/china base, what we need to do now is work on global diplomacy, ie make nice with the people that can and will blow us up. Watch what happens when china finally gets fed up with taiwan, we're supposed to back them up, lets hope we dont. Again though, dont waste your time thinking about illusionary constructs such as CA. You're a tool, were all tools. welcome to the gates of h**l.

    ok im sorry, but the reality is we cannot compete with countries that are willing to let they're people literally starve to death and have no compunctions about killing anyone that tries to unionise. Dont expect things to get better economically, this puppet government will continue to get us into international fiascos. Turn your faith back to God, stop wasting your nights getting plastered and watching net p**n and try teaching your children something useful, like how to look out for his neighbors, Im sad for our country, and you truly sit back and wonder why Bushs boy bin ladens' able to stir up trouble so easily in the middle east. silly sorry saps, enjoy the fire and brimstone.

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