
Comment the way this picture was taken?

by  |  earlier

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and please do a little interpretation on how you see the pic




  1. two pretty girls in a sort of jungle ish area?

  2. the second pic makes the on girl look like she is staring at the second girls a**

  3. you girls look cute in both pics

  4. it looks like a p**n with two lesbians lol!

  5. I want to comment on the second one as it is my favourite

    I like the girl in the backround. her facial expression. And the girl in the near view i want to know what shes looking at, what is engaging her

    I think it is a cute picture, but i would like to see maybe some intereaction between them, like uneven glares or just something small like that.

    I like it :)

  6. the first one looks more erotic and sensual and makes the pic look really professional and really good job who took them.  also the facail expressions also  

  7. The girl in the foreground looks out of focus. It has an artistic look to it, but not professional. I'm sure the model would want that either.  

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