
Comments about taking Physiology before anatomy.

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0 LIKES UnLike boss called me and offered me the shift that I've been asking for since I was hired. (M-F 6am-2) Problem is, I've already signed up for all of my classes! I was trying to figure out a way to switch everything to nights instead of in the morning so I could accept the new schedule. I was signed up for a mirobiology class, but they are all full. I'm going into nursing, so I'm going to need microbio, anatomy and physiology. The only class I could get into that would fit into my schedule would be the physiology class. It's not required to take the anatomy first, but it is recommended. I guess my question is whether it would be a bad idea to attempt physiology first. I've heard that it's a lot harder than anatomy. Has anyone done this before? I would end up taking anatomy probably later on (maybe in the summer) then taking microbiology in the spring. The other classes I would be taking with the physiology would be sociology (hopefully...if I can find an open class:P) and Spanish.

Any comments on this would be appreciated. I've been looking forward to this schedule for a year now...I really don't want to turn it down. I will if I have to though considering school is going to come first.




  1. I have never heard of anatomy and physiology being taken separately. I took A/P I and II, but they were together. However, since anatomy is the parts and physiology is how those parts work, it would probably be easier if you knew what the parts were before worrying about how they function, don't you think?

  2. I took human physiology about a year ago from Baylor University and i can tell you that we needed to know about zero anatomy. The only anatomy that we need to know was like uh duh where are the kidneys, liver, etc. They teach you everything you want to know about how muscle groups, the nervous system, digestion, circulation, and the whole lot works. I think the anatomy is recommeded because it prepares you for the intensity of the physiology class. The class is somewhat challenging, but if your interested and read everyday then you will do amazingly well. So don't worry about anatomy since you don't need to know how one specific muscle group works and how another muscle groups works, but rather how muscles work in general as they are all the same (well skeletal muscle at least). So my advice would be to totally take the physiology class.

  3. My expirience with the above was that we took the two combined. Anatomy was usefull in that we learned many terms that applied to pysiology. It really didn't take long to cover the anatomy part but it is worth knowing to give structure. If you learn quickly I'd think it would be possible to cover the basic anatomy before plunging into physiology. Also, the text we used introduced the chapter with the anatomy.

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