
Comments on Ruger 10/22?

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What do you guys think of the Ruger 10/22 Is it accurate and can be trusted. Anything will be appreciated Thank you




  1. I use one on the farm as a tractor gun, and have been delighted with it. Its rugged and accurae out to 120 yards (adjusted for elevation), but mainly use it for turtles and snakes at about 10- 20 yards. Its a great "working" gun.

  2. Nice little rifle.  Accurate and reliable.  For $518 US currency you can order the targer model from Ruger.


  3. very reliable and accurate rifle, the 10/22 is a popular choice and there are lots of aftermarket parts like larger clips, trigger mods , etc. so you can make it your own, mine has a bullpup stock from Muzzlelite and red dot sight on it and I always take it with me . Highly recommended.

  4. It is an excellent rifle.  You can customize it with very little effort.  I have a target model with a bull barrel.  It is the most accurate rifle I have shot so far.  It will keyhole rounds at 100 yards (which is a big deal for a .22 long rifle cartridge).  Of course, you have to buy high quality optics for that kind of accuracy.

    You cannot go wrong with the Ruger 10/22.

  5. Its been in production since 1964, so given that fact alone, you should be able to form your own opinion. Very few guns last 45 years without serious changes in the way its made. Take a poll and you'd probably discover that the second most commonly customized firearm in the country is the humble little Ruger 10/22. Certainly, there are more accurate guns out there, but not with the pricetag and aftermarket support of the 10/22. Asking about its reliability, is downright insulting. Its the best bang for your buck where 22's are concerned . . . providing your state game rules allow you to hunt with semi autos, even so its still a great plinking gun.

  6. The Ruger 10/22 arguably is the most popular .22 rifle you can buy......  Accurate? ... Its ok -- Remember its a $179 rifle... Its not a $2000 olympic grade Anschutz rifle.... The 10/22 being a semi-automatic it is not quite as accurate as a bolt action but not bad....  Trusted?? Its one of the most reliable semiautomatic .22 rifle available..... Ruger has an excellent reputaion....

    One advantage the Ruger 10/22 has over other .22 rifles is they are easy to customise... Many Many manufacturers make after market magazines, barrels, stocks etc, etc, etc for these rifles.....

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