
Comments on a bike?

by Guest67029  |  earlier

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hey guys I recently found a Honda HR-240 FS bicycle and I was wondering what kind of bike it was and if it was any good. Here is a link to the picture. Thanks




  1. the bike looks a little cheap and cheerful,but seeing as you found it,you cant really complain do build some decent mtb's so the build quality shouldbe better than most in that price range.have fun riding it thats the main thing!!!

  2. It's a full suspension bike, meaning the fork has shocks and the rear can flex and has a shock built onto it.

    MR can give you more on this one, but in general, these bikes are really really heavy, but they're not tough enough (especially the parts) to do what a full-suspension mtb is supposed to be able to do.

    I was at a big box sports store (begins with a d, ends with ick), and I looked at the way the brake pads were aligned.  I had to just shake my head and walk away.

  3. it's god like

  4. wel, it looks like a realy niceBIKE =]!

  5. It's a cheap departmant store ATB bike. OK for riding around the 'hood, but would fall apart on any off road trail. Usually, the Name-license bikes are over priced as well.

    Honda does NOT build bikes, they sell their name only to be put on them.
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