
Comments on challenges & strategies in inclusive education?

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Comments on challenges & strategies in inclusive education?




  1. Biggest challenge is collaboration of teachers, learning to work with another teacher after so many years of working solo.  Time managment is another issue. Funding, INclusion takes a lot of money, the best inclusive practice that I have seen is one special educaiton teacher for every two teachers in the building.  That takes capital.

    I did my thesis on inclusion and rural schools and found that there are three major barriers to inclusion.

    perception of teachers, administrators and community about students with disabilites.

    The effectiveness of administration at facilitating inclusion as well as fostering collaberation.

    Ensuring that the regular education teacher has the support needed to fully integrate students with disabilites.

    One more thought on inclusion is the lack of a definitive definition of the program.  It is difficult to define an ideology, but something that would help clear the confusion would be to define the practice of inclusion.

  2. Inclusive eduation can be a positive experience for all students, however, there are many challenges.  In theory inclusive education is great the downfall is the lack of funding to ensure it is successful for the special needs students.

    It is unrealistic to expect a teacher to modify the curriculum  for a special needs student and not have some assistance.  IN most classrooms, there are several students that have identified with behavioural difficulties and learning challenges, to also include students that are developmentally delayed it is challenging.  The government is constantly cutting back funding for Educational Assistants, Speech Pathologists, Child and Youth Workers etc but want more inclusion.  Teachers need to be receive training in the area of special education to become better equipped to dealing with special need students.

  3. It always depends, but would you like to be integrated into Calculus if you had never had algebra and couldnt do it, I think kids should work at their level.

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