
Comments on who your baby/child looks like?

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My husband and I have had our 1st child together last yr (a boy), and I've had a couple of comments of how he looks just like his step brother (my husbands son with his first wife). Now i may just be being over sensitive, but to be honest he looks nothing like him anyway (and also, he's 13 yrs older) and i find it quite insulting - as in - where do i come into it!!! ) Anyone else had similar and how did you feel , how did you respond??!




  1.   Hun,

            Your son looks like his dad - your partner, your son also looks like his half brother who inherited his looks from his dad - your partner, hence people saying the two boys look alike!

    What the big deal? If this older boy was biologically yours and your partners and people were saying same comment I don't think you would care.

    It just the fact that comment is about a child your partner has with his ex wife that is bothering you.

    If the ex wife thing still bothering you now after having your partners baby then god knows what hope you got for future?

    Sorry, but you over-analysing and you need to relax and enjoy the time with your baby boy and include your step-son and learn to let it go that your partner was married before!

    He with you now and have a son together so that must tell you something!


  2. I know what you mean. People are always saying my children look like their dad. I have never once been told they look like me!! I don't mind though, their Dad is gorgeous and to be totally honest, they look nothing like me!!!

  3. someone once told me that my 10 month old looked like ashley out of coronation street ( which he doesnt by the way!!!) i wasnot impressed but i just decided to grin and bear it. its me that has to look at him every day, and i know who he looks like and who he is in his heart and thats what matters :)

  4. I have never had that, but you should feel flattered, sounds like your husband and your son must look alike awww.


  5. My older brother said my daughter looked like my uncle!!! I was quite offended, Seen as he is bloody huge, very masculin, works as a bouncer and has a skin head lol!

    I get comments all the time on my daughter, Doesnt she look like you, her daddy, her nanna, her grandad, her aunty etc etc...I think it just one of those things people say.

    My little brother and sister are adopted and everyone says they are the double of their dad. I dont think its anything to be taken to heart, Its just one of those things people say!

    Just read the extra bit you added....

    I dont think you have to grow up at all, People like to rub the fact that your partner had a ex in your face. I know in a previous relationship i had, He had 2 children. Whenever i met anyone that him and his ex knew together they insisted in starting a convosation about his ex and/or his children. People are just inmature twits that have nothing better to do than try to upset people!

    Im sure your child is beautiful, and you do not need their 'stamp of approval' next time someone says it just reply back to them 'I know, Isnt he gorgeous' with a big smile on your face, show them they dont bother you!

  6. your immediate reaction is normal, but forget about it-they don't mean any harm-a mother never need worry about her role!

    be thankful for your beautiful healthy son and learn to ignore some of what others say-believe me, this is just the beginning of some of the c**p you'll hear. let it go!

  7. Just ignore it. Some people talk out of their asses.

    I still recall as a teenage boy having a distant relative who had rarely seen me saying in front of everyone regarding me - "Oh he looks just like his Aunt Jeanne"

    Aunt Jeanne being a then 65 year old woman. What 16 year old boy wants to hear that?  

  8. If your son looks like your husband, it's also reasonable to assume that he looks a bit like his older brother (your step son).  It seems like the problem isn't that people don't think he looks like you, but that he looks like your husband's and his ex's son.  If so, it's time to get over it.  Really, there are more important things to worry about than who someone thinks your son resembles.

  9. when people say that, just say "yes he looks just like his daddy, so does his stepbrother!"

    thats all it is, is he looks like his dad =]

  10. I really hate it when people say my daughter looks anything like her father and his other children (from a previous relationship), but that could be because we are not together anymore. Also, she looks NOTHING like them!

    I console myself with the knowledge that she will be more like me with her personality, and I'm sure your son will grow to have many of your characteristics :-)

  11. Sounds like he looks like his dad, not that big of deal. You picked him because you thought he was handsome right? Take it as a compliment that you have a handsome boy.

  12. grow up!!!!!!!!!

    it just means your son looks like her father..............(to others)

    when my youngest was born 1st thing i noticed was she looked so much like her dads youngest to his 1st wife (as inmy step daughter)  she looked nothing like me,infact i could not see my husband in the baby but his  youngest to his ex was so obvious in looks.Our "baby girl" is now 8yr old and looks more like my side of the family but still there is the look of her sister (my step daughter) does not bother me at all. My step daughter (now 13yr old)  is a very pretty girl anyway........

    the odd thing is mystep daughter to me looks more like her mother than father yet quite obviously bothgirls getlooks from their father........

    as kids grow you notice little traits from both parents.........

    why would you be insulted that your son looks like his brother??????



    the fact is both children have 1 parent in common so possibly get their looks from their are letting it bother you far more than you need too. IF these "smarmy cows" say your baby looks like his brother, then so what.. who are they really hurting??  your boy looks like his father,his other son does would be wors if they went around saying your baby has no resemblance at all to his father... give it a few yrs i'm sure your little boy will show some looks from you  2.

    as i say i never saw my husband in my girl only his daughter. it's expected that kids will maybe look more like1side of the family.

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