
Commerce degree in Management or Advertising degree...which one should I choose?

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Okay, so I'm basically just choosing the business degree because there's an option for me to major in Accounting which is quite in-demand now in the area where I live. However, I am more of an artsy person and I think I could also do well in any arts-related field. I like to draw, do graphics design and write whether it is creative or persuasive kind of writing. I wouldn't say though, that I am the best in those areas. That's why I am having dilemma on whether I should pursue the boring business degree or the creative (but demanding and talent-based) advertising degree. So which one should I choose? I would like to know about the wages as well. Do graduates of Advertising get good jobs after college? or is it hard to get a job? What about the pay? What is the minimum salary for those starting in the advertising world.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.




  1. Recommendation is the commerce degree, mainly because of the longterm possibility for stability.

    Accounting is a mobile profession, meaning you can go any where in the world and still find employment. The Advertising degree has similar qualities, yet more volatile, and less predictable for steady longterm employment. If you are single, then you dont have to worry about the choice, as both offer pretty good salaries.

    Its hard to nail down a starting salary for Advertising graduate, it depends on where you live and the demand. If you are from one of the major US cities, then abviously wages are higher, but positions more competitive to be had. You have to be good to get a job in the field, and once there work even harder to keep your job. There are millions ready to fill the same position if you slack off!!

    In the end, the decision is really up to you. Choose what makes you happy, because if you are not happy then it doesn't matter how much money you're making at any particular job.

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