
Common Law Relationships and ownership?

by Guest66892  |  earlier

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My BF said last night that because he has been with me 6 months, he owns half of what I have and half my pension. I think he wants to keep me so he is using scare tactics as he has done in the past. Is this true? I live in Ontario.





  1. NOPE! He's wrong. Is his name on your lease?  You need to get away from him! He is using you!

  2. I live in Ontario, Canada. My understanding of the law is that a Common Law Marriage is after three years living together as spouses. I believe it is recognized after one year if there are children.

  3. Yikes, any relationship, if common law status applies, it would take about 7 years I think to even begin to qualify.  And that would only be in states that would recognize a common law marriage, I don't know about Canada.  You may consider asking in the Legal category to get your most accurate answer, but I'm nearly certain he is incorrect.

    On a personal note, your BF sounds a lil bit coocoo for coco puffs and you might want to consider breaking things off with him before he gets any more possessive and controlling...good luck!

  4. He is wrong and a controller..Run away fast

  5. That's a load of rubbish.

    Common-law relationships are recognised in Ontario as far as spousal support issues, but you must have been together continuously for three years, and it doesn't apply to property.

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