
Common Lizard Questions?

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I'm not sure if this would be the best section for this, but I'll give it a try.

I am a volunteer at my local zoo and do spotlights, where I take out animals for guests to learn about and pet. Previously I have only done snakes, but starting on Sunday I'll be taking out lizards, with the Bearded Dragon and Uromastyx being my first two, followed by probably a Leopard Gecko and Blue- Tongued Skink.

I was wondering, what type of questions might people ask? A surprisingly large number of the people I've met while doing snakes have had little to no exposure to lizards. I get a lot of small children as well, and I know first hand that they can ask some odd things, so what might I expect from them?

I'm just trying to formulate some answers ahead of time, to be as prepared as possible. Any insight you have is appreciated, especially if you've done this type of thing yourself. :)




  1. The number one question I get for my Bearded from little kids is do the spikes hurt, does he bite, why does he shed?  If you can think of way to explain to little kids why they shed besides that they are growing, which by the way they'll ask why they have shed their skin to grow and how often do they shed e-mail me.  I've tried everything to explain that.

    I almost forgot if they ask why they spikes tell them it's to intimidate the predator, don't get scientific, and definitely don't tell them they hurt when the flatten out.  I've learned that the hard way a few times over either you'll lose them or when they go to pet him most will flatten a little, because you should never go over a breaded dragon always under a predator goes over the dragon, it will scare them (the Kids).  The rest I've never really dealt with around kids.  the skink they will definitely ask why the tongue is blue.  I've learned the same question the adults ask are usually the same kids ask.  What did you ask about them,  They usually ask about the lizards' appearance

    Today was the first time I ever had a kid ask what he eats.  I've had him for 7 yrs now.  Never had a kid ask where he comes from.  Australia by the way

  2. I've just read all the other answers and I'm trying not to duplicate here.

    Rather than as a question (though I did get this during a herp. tour I was giving), you might point out that the first two lizards will dig/tunnel and create a burrow, the skink will wriggle into loose substrates, and the Leo hides in abandoned animal burrows or under rocks, because he can't dig with those little fingers/toes.

    It's a good opportunity to talk about what a 'desert' is.  Most people/kids will automatically think sand.  The Leo originates from regions of hard packed earth, not sandy regions, etc..  You can point out that Antarctica is a desert, etc.

    Most often, kids ask me how a creature mates, and if the babies are live birth or eggs (and how long it takes eggs to hatch).  You can point out the differences in coloration in young (where applicable) to adult coloration, like the Leo baby's banding, and beardie's black beard as an adult, etc.

    "What do they feel like?" is one I heard often.  The skink is good contrast to the beardie and Mali, and the gecko's skin is contrast to all that.  How they shed is a good topic... and that the gecko eats its skin.

    "Does it hurt when they bite?  Do they make you bleed?  Are they poisonous?"  No one ever askes if they are venonmous.  That's an opportunity to discuss the difference, if you'd like.

    "How do you tell a boy from a girl?" was another I was often asked.

    Wish I could think of more...

    Hope this was helpful.  Enjoy the curious kids and good luck with your presentation.

  3. mabe questions like.... what they eat... how big do they to tell if its a male or female..... are they aggressive or dosile... what is their ideal enviornment in captivity...... can they be pets.....special needs they may need when kept as a pet like ie:vitamins, supplements, lighting.......what climate/weather they like to live in..... carry any diseases..... what other animals do they get along with.... do they eat live animals..... how many eggs they can lay...... do they change colors..... how long do they live..... and if they were to be a pet, what kind of habitat should they have to like what items they need...... etc. lol i use to work at a petstore... and these are the usual queations i got when i was working in the reptile section. lol

    goodluck on ur presentation!! :D

  4. They might ask:

    What do they like to eat?

    Where do they come from?

    Do they bite?

    You might want to talk about the special needs of these reptiles, such as their need for heat and UVB lighting, etc.  

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