
Common plants you can smoke?

by Guest56104  |  earlier

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What common plants can you roll and smoke? I'm not looking to get high. I want something not to inhale, but to smoke into my mouth for the flavor like a cigar. Is there such a thing? What plants taste good, and what should I not try?




  1. A really good plant you can smoke is white oleander. Tastes heavenly if you know what i mean.

  2. I like smoking stuff for the taste too, but I don't like the idea of smoking random plants I find in my yard. I did some research, and found the best place for a variety of herbs can be found at International Oddities that have different flavors and scents... the Blueberry is my favorite! Have fun...

  3. I would not recommend playing around with house plants or anything you find in the garden.  Some common garden plants are extremely toxic and deadly.  I am thinking specifically about oleander.  It can literally kill you. Do not even pinch the leaves.  Stick to what you can find at the tobacco store.

  4. i reccomend rabbit tabacco you can inhale or not it has a pretty smooth taste,and if you do try to inhale it remember it has nicotine witch is highly addictive.

  5. Corn silk. Dried of course. When kids , we smoked it all the time. Even bagged some for lean times.

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