
Common religious people! Jews Christians Muslims How does God expect us to follow him if we cant even see him?

by Guest63713  |  earlier

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Do Not give "he's around us" kind of c**p, we cannot prove he exists and we cannot prove that he doesn't exist.

For every claim a religious person has, there is an Atheistic claim that completely contradicts it and vise versa, it's all philosophy, faith and basically guessing.

Some believe, some don't.

God gave us freedom of choice, to choose between good and bad according to his standards.

Why does it seem like half the battle is looking for him?

How can God blame a person who has been looking for him forever and has not found solid proof? NO ONE HAS! it's all in your head, you BELIEVE! you do not know!!

I'm not saying he doesn't exist but I just don't know that he does and if he wants me to make a choice beetween good and bad then the least the all mighty has to do is make sure that I know that he's here and it's true and that I need to follow, then and only then can I really make a choice.

Right now I have to choose if I believe in him or not, it's kind of like a double choice, I'm really pissed.

What's your take on this?




  1. Rom 1:19   For the truth about God is known to them instinctively.[fn7] God has put this knowledge in their hearts.  

    Rom 1:20   From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.  

  2. relax, if there is a god out there, i don't think that it has a huge complex over if people like it or not.  if it did, it would make its presence more obvious.  like popping out in the open every now & then maybe ending some wars & stuff.....not threatening people who disagree or just don't believe.  




  3. In Islam, that's called Ihsan:

    Prophet Muhammad said, "‘Ihsan is to serve God as though you see Him, but if you see Him not, then know that He sees you.'

  4. I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

    C. S. Lewis  

  5. The truth is that Jesus is God.  But Islam rejects this truth, therefore Islam has a different and fake "god" that cannot save.

    Jesus is God, and the Bible is His Word.  Jesus says in the Bible that the one that believes, will have Him in their life.  Give it a try!  :)

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  6. what proof exactly are you looking for?

    this world, and your life should be enough.. have faith, it is impossible to please God without faith

    believing in God is common sense, that is why Atheism is so rare, their way of thinking is so off

    look at this world we live in, and how it was structured, everything works with a purpose, the sun gives day light, keeps us warm, rain cools down temperature, and is good for crops.. , how people live with a purpose, how we have the ability to create things to benefit our needs

    we live life with a purpose.. it is obvious God exists, it is common sense, that is my proof of his existence

  7. When people bring this up to me, I always say. That's faith. Seeing isn't always believing. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there. I wont give you the "he's around us." because I know just as well as the next guy that it doesn't seem like that all the time. For me. I know God is there because I have faith that God is there. I'd rather go through life having faith that there is a God and find out there isn't, than go through life thinking there isn't then finding out there is.

    You just have to have Faith. Pray, God is listening, and he will answer your prayers, maybe just not in the way that you think he should.

  8. The very same way we obey the government even we do not see it. Have you seen the government lately, maybe its agents and representatives but not the government yet it exists.

  9. First of all I'm glad that you have a fire in your belly for the truth.  Have you ever thought that maybe you're just not looking in the right place?   In my opinion until you have been filled with the Holy Spirit, you haven't been really fulfilled as a Christian.  Let me tell you that when you feel the Holy Spirit there is NO DOUBT that you are in the presence of God.  So again I ask you are you sure you've been looking in the right place?

    Love in Christ,


  10. What makes the most sense? What has the most evidence? What logically coheres? You expect the sun to come up tomorrow. You don't know for sure, but you're so confident of it that you believe. So it is with God, and he hasn't left you without things to take confidence in. Jesus came, eyewitnesses saw him, history records his presence. Was he a big fat liar? What does the evidence point to? Is every religion right? Obviously not because they are contrary. I think if you start with Christ, you will find overwhelming evidence to cause faith. If you have faith, it isn't all in your head, but it certainly should impact your head. After which, your heart is engaged and a certain reality sets in. God is not hiding from you. He says you are hiding from Him, and you deny He exists so that you can live in sin. Think, do you live according to his precepts or your own until He proves Himself to your minute and finite satisfaction? You are sucking off His world, and yet you deny He exists. Give me, and Him, a break!

  11. I was you about a year ago until one day I felt God.  I was in a church and I had been to church before but never actually got anything out of it. I always went for other people.  I actually felt him.  It sounds crazy but it was the greatest feeling ever.  I can't even explain it.  I am now a christian.  I went from being an atheist to believing in God in a matter of a minute. Literally.  Anyways, the reason it is so hard for us to believe in God is because, in today's world, we have to see something to believe it.  I believe that science and technology is the devil!!! ( I know i'm using a computer but I am stuck in today' world) I mean, think about it.  Back in the day, people did not have anything but God to trust in.  They prayed for rain to water their crops.  Now we don't need God for rain because we have irrigation.  In today's world we don't need God for anything because we take care of everything through science and technology.  That is why its so hard to see God.  He is diminishing.  Besides, even if we could see him today, would you believe it was him or would you make up some "explanation" for it.  I see God all of the time in my life.  I pray for something and it comes true.  We, today, don't see God because we have so many distractions.  All day we have distractions.  T.V, radio, mp3 players,hot girls (or guys), the grocery store.  Just life in general.  As for the arguments, of course there are going to be arguments.  There isn't a single thing on this earth that you can't argue. The ONLY thing you know for sure is that YOU exist.  It just depends on what you choose to believe. Nobody knows the truth. I just know that when I started believing things happened to prove to me that he is real.  That is all I need.  I don't care what other people think. If you truly want to believe in God, pray for it.  He will help you.  He will show you he is here. Don't tell anyone about it.  I know I didn't when I prayed the first time. I was embarrassed.  Just do it and see what happens.  Hey, the worst that could happen is nothing.  keep in mind, God does everything in his own time because he knows what he is doing.  If it doesn't happen right away, give it time. It will. ;)              

    p.s. don't get caught up in the religions and who is right or wrong.  nobody knows.  Just take a bible and read it.  Just trust in God and live the best you can for him. You do for him and he'll hook you up too.  

  12. That's why He sent the Prophets and the Books. And everytime they came,there were enemies who did anything they could to disrupt the societies based around the Book sent. Prophets were killed Books changed, that's why its hard to get the straight information. Thousands of years of obscuring it is showing.

    Proving a guiding intelligence is simple. I dunno how it gets rejected so easily. There's NO possibility of sytems like exist on earth or off it coming out of chaotic, freefloating void. Even the mass of human intellect over centuries hasn't even approached the complexity of function as a human brain and everything it does. Physical form is one thing, but then the dependence of every existing system on every other existing system (gravity centrifugal force, magnetism, heat, light, weather, geology). One failed system will bring the whole thing down.

    Who could reasonably come to any conclusion other than a guiding intelligence after even a superficial consideration?

    Well...hope it helps.

    Of course God can make every single person right in mind and soul. That's not the idea. We have to do it ourselves. He gave us the will and responsibility to follow or not. What credit to our case if He does it all for us? We'd be the same as animals.

  13. In his work entitled “The Sense of Religion and the Child Psychology,” the Swiss psychologist Pierre Bovet writes that all children at a certain age have “a natural religion” which is peculiar to them, in other words, a religion, which is in their nature innately. In the formation of these preliminary beliefs, the individual’s conscience, comprehension, and imagination take part as well as the society itself. The child himself determines the content of religious concepts that he acquires from the society. Yet in the course of time, he sees the discrepancies between the society and himself, and adopts new ways. As our Glorious Prophet (PBUH) announces, “All children are born on the Islamic nature, afterwards their parents make them adopt this and that religion.”

    Many scientists and thinkers have made researches about “the innate religion” of children. One of them is American philosopher William James. In order to catch “the natural religious senses” in a child without any interference, he examined the memories and behaviors of a deaf and dumb child named Ballard who until the age of eleven did not receive any sort of instruction. The child, who received quite good education, afterwards, summarized his pre-education “metaphysical” thoughts and feelings as follows, “We were going out for a walking with Daddy. The scenery and landscape impressed me. I was speech-impaired and did not know how to write. I asked myself: “How did the world come into existence?”, “How did man start to live?”, “How did plants and other beings come into existence?”, “What causes the world, the sun, and the moon to exist?”, “ How did this world of beings come into existence?”, “Who makes me think of all these questions?”, “How did the first human being, animal, plant without a seed, come into existence?”, “Where are we coming from and going to?”, “How was the beginning of the universe?”, I especially was unable to find an answer to this question. I was thinking of it then I gave it up, and then after a while I turned to the same matter.” (See. Pierre Bovet, the Sense of Religion and the Child Psychology, p: 71-72).

    Many other psychologists have researched this matter and approximately got similar results. Thus, it has been clear those children since early ages have been directing their attention to the universe and nature and asking the questions the examples of which we have given above. This is man’s “nature.” As seen, these questions set not only thinkers and philosophers but also children, young people, and adults into thinking. The Holy Qur’an narrates beautifully the story of the great prophet, Abraham (PBUH), how he as a child directed his attention to nature and the universe to seek his Creator in the stars, in moon, and in the sun, and then taking wings and going “beyond of beyond.”

  14. dude, if he was right here, right now, it wouldnt change a thing. you think it would, be you really dont understand people. if he was here, people would deny it. after all, if he could be scientifically observed, then it wouldnt prove anything, because him being here would discredit a LOT of science, plus, he isnt explainable by science, even if he was in physical form. you know what he would be? a guy with some flashy tricks. but god, being that clever dude that he is, doesn't show his appearance. more people believe him that they would if he was down here. plus, there are other reasons, mostly moral and character wise.  

  15. God has revealed His existence over period of times.

    Suited to level of thinking of the people in the earlier days, the proofs of His existence based on MAGICAL capabilities were given to His Prophets such as the famous King Solomon, Noah, Abraham, Moses & Jesus.

    Those prophets are meant for guiding their own tribes/people about the existence of God & the prophets were given verses such as Torah & Injeel (Bible) for references.  During these prophecies, many occasions where God had revealed Himself which witnessed by the prophets themselves & many of their followers.

    Too bad, due to PRIDE and GREED, those who witnessed prefered to conceal the testimony of God, and ended up the then Jews did not accept Jesus as the coming messiah (due to PRIDE & Greed - as they are the chosen people) and later the followers of Jesus too did not accept the coming messiah, or the last prophet which is Muhamad.

    As for this final prophet, he was meant to send message for all mankind, (not limited to his people as the previous prophets).There would not be any MAGICAL abilities given to him, but only the last Holy Book- AlQuran for everyone to refer, to study & to think wisely. It contains God's words & God guaranteed to preserve its' authenticity forever.

    Suitable to the people's level of thinking today, the AlQuran alone could explained God's existence. If only you have someone to guide you correctly in understanding the messages.

  16. We lived with God before we came to Earth. There, we He taught us and we learned from Him. We were able to trust in him because we know for certain He existed. We could see him then.

    While on Earth, we have a veil round us. We cannot see him because it is a test of faith. We can know for certain if He is there. We pray to know. We have the testimony of those that learned from Him in the Bible.

    There are promises in the Bible that say if we just ask God then we will receive. We have to do more also. We have to study, and then ask if those things are true.

    The last chapter of the Book of Mormon says:

    "Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the teim that ye shall crecive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

    And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

    And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

    And whatsoever thing is good just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is.

    And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by pwer, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever." -Moroni 10:3-7

    That's a promise. You need to ask. You just don't sit there and wait for something to happen to prove to you. You need to do some work yourself before an answer.  

  17. Ok, here is my take.  First of all, if you truly seek the Lord you will find Him.  You are so angry at the possibility of God, that you don't seem to really be willing to give Him a chance.

    Have you honestly read the Bible?  Have you sat down with an open mind, said a quick prayer that "God" will help you understand?  Read John if you are serious about your quest.

    Another thing is the Holy Spirit.  If you believe the words of the Bible are true, and you accept Christ, the Holy Spirit will dwell in your heart forever.  What does that mean?  It means that your eyes will be opened and you will see things you never thought possible.

    You are right, perhaps there is an atheist who can refute me.  All I can tell you is that God is real in my life and there are too many things that have happened to me that make me know that there is no way it's all a joke.  God is my best friend and I have a relationship w/Him.  He is alive and as real as it comes.  

    If you truly are serious in your quest, read Case for Christ by Lee Strobel.  He was an agnostic that had so much proof of Christ that he couldn't deny it anymore.  This book can also be found in DVD format.  I suggest you keep searching until your heart is at rest.

  18. here are some reasons why i believe in God..

    go to these links in order

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