
Common sense or morality?

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which is more important? can you have both at the same time or is it impossible? are they both necessary?




  1. they are both interrelated: common sense helps you eveluate what is right and what is wrong. however, you might have high morals but don't have the sense to use them or worse understand their importance, their significance.

    i think common sense is more important

  2. Common sense is more important.  When civilization deteriorates, common sense is the valueable asset.  A Perfect example of this could be seen in the Stone Age.  The caveman with common sense survived longer, and if he had no morals, procreated more. (every cavewoman would be free for the taking, even siblings). Messed up stuff, but it is true.

  3. You can have both at the same time, but they can be mutually exclusive.  

    If it's cold and rainy outside, common sense tells me how to dress for the weather.  But that's not a moral decision.  If I see a beautiful drunk but naked woman outside, common sense and decency says to cover her and get her warm, safe  and dry, but morality says don't take advantage of the situation.  

    See the difference?

  4. Common sense is moral.  "Sense" is the word in question:  If completely thought through many actions would have been curtailed.  All too often one does what one feels, not regarding any thought of the consequences.

  5. Some people seem to get by without any morality, but who can get by without at least a little commonsense?

  6. none is more important,they are necessary, very often c.s. is confused by 'morality', and vice versa

    it is an ideal to have both at the same time

  7. they are certainly not mutually exclusive.  morality and common sense are both heavily influenced by social norms.  quite often it is common sense that leads us down the moral path, as common sense by definition implies doing the right thing.

  8. to me both are the same.

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