
Common things I should know about current events & such? Easy 10 pts for someone who watches the news often!?

by Guest60756  |  earlier

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I haven't been watching the news or paying much attention to current events so I was wondering if i missed anything particularly interesting, or even not that interesting. I want to be able to understand what is meant when a reference is brought up in a conversation. It can be any time from about 10 years ago to now. Thanks!




  1. Sure!- The economy is a disaster, home foreclosures are at an all time high, the price of oil is 4 times higher then it's ever been, job loses are at record levels,food is reaching all time highs, inflation is the highest in history, the dollar is at an all time low in value,the cost of energy (electricity, etc,) is at record levels, we are currently in two wars and we are steadily marching toward a third one with Iran, the US is losing it's top ranking in the world as the top economy in the world, we are currently in a recession and headed for a major depression in the near future. And we have two presidential candidates to handle all these woes that are a joke! One has a lot of experience, but is so old he can hardly walk, and the other has no experience, and is so young he has just learned how to walk. When the conversation you may have in the future about any of this comes up and someone wants to know what caused it, just reply- greed and corrupt politicians!  There you have it in a nutshell!

  2. yes, you missed lots of things

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