
Commonly on an everyday basis, I get a random streak of anger, how come?

by  |  earlier

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For example, I was talking to my girlfriend about something, and it wasn't bad, or anything. Nothing that should upset me. All of a sudden I just got terribly angry. I don't like the way it feels, and it makes me just wanna yell and scream it out. How come this happens, and is there any advice on how to stop this?




  1. Have you been exposed to any gamma radiation?  If so, seek out Bruce Banner, he may have a cure.

  2. Hi,

    One way to deal with this is to know yourself.

    I am a graphologist and so here is my view. Do you write with a backward slant? For examples is your 'I' bent towards your left, as all other words and letters?

    If so, this is called repressed emotions or implosive anger. Such a person will repress their emotions. But they have to burst some times and the time they burst is a trivial reason and people do not understand. What people fail to notice is how much they have suffered and not expressed themselves.

    Or does your 'a' and 'c' have a sharp downward nick on top?

    If so its called anger for the opposite s*x. If you have such a formation someone is really bugging you and you need help from a graphologist to get rid of such an emotion within yourself.

    Here are a few examples of anger. I will suggest that you visit the website given below and write, scan and upload your handwriting sample for the graphologists there to do the analysis. Then talk back to the analyzer using private message.    

  3. Dude, I think that your girlfriend is pissing you off for some reason. I think that when you talk to her, you're remembering some things that maybe she did to you or something you're not happy with and its bothering you. Or maybe your deppressed, or substance deppendency can do that too

  4. ummmm, im guessin when you are goin through a whole day u gotta get your emotions out somewhere

  5. Your girlfriend is probably pissing you off with her stupidness .

    I think you should just tell her when you get angry and if you want she'll try to help you calm down and talk to you until you get better .

  6. anger is part us and it is we to mold and use in a proper way.when you are in angry mood; try to change your thoughts in a positive way. it will help you.

  7. Is this something that has happened all your life, or just recently? Is your friend bothering you about something else and you just don't want to bring it up? Do you have other feelings of sadness, loneliness or boredom, more than usual? You might be just having some hormonal spikes or you might be feeling worse about something else.

  8. Probably the best place to start is to have a very thorough physical exam.  There could be a health issue causing this.  Some thyroid and hormonal problems can cause these symptoms and that is just scratching the surface.  

    Once you rule that out I would go see a therapist, because the type of rage you are describing could lead down a very bad road.  You seem to be basically a good hearted person because you are alarmed by this.  I am sure you want to do everything you can to make sure your life doesn't derail through something done in rage.  

    Hope this helps and good luck!

    An added note;

    Make sure that you let the dr. know about all medications, body building nutritional products, and other herbs that you may be taking.  Sometimes reactions to medicines or other products can cause such reactions.  

    I am not being judgmental, but since I don't know you I just wanted to cover the bases.  If you are taking any street drugs including steroids, that could be a cause.  If this is the case, please do everything you can do to recover from this.  (I mention this because I lost my little brother to steroid use, not cuz I am nosy)

  9. If you keep all your emotions inside throughout the day, it has to come out somewhere.

  10. u dont happen 2 b a scorpion, do u???????/

  11. It sounds like it could be hormones or you have anger that you held in for a while from something that happened and it needs to come out.Try thinking of things that make you angry and talking about them or writing them down,maybe that will help you.

  12. your holding something back and your body jsut has to release it to get rid of it jsut try to be more honest and open about how u feel about stuff  

  13. In Ayurvedic medicine, anger is a result of too much pitta, if it happens a lot it is usually in a person that has a strong pitta constitution. If you do a web search for ayurveda and pitta you can learn some really interesting stuff about human responses and reactions to food, drink, the environment etc. If you are a "pitta" constitution then things like tomatoes, chillis, hot food in general, alcohol etc will all aggravate and irritate you so that you will often feel angry without knowing exactly why. Did your avatar have red hair. People with natural red hair are more likely to be pitta constitution and prone to anger when irritated by just normal heat producing foods and environment. If you work out a lot and get hot and sweaty, that can also aggravate you and lead to unexplained anger.  

  14. cuz ur a *****

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