
Commonwealth Games 2010 confronted with grave issues

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Commonwealth Games 2010 confronted with grave issues
There is less than a fort night left for the Commonwealth Games to begin in New Delhi, India and preparations are still incomplete. The Games that are scheduled to take place from the 4th to the 13th of October have been subjected to
the most intense criticism and allegations of corruption from both internal and external stakeholders of the Games.
Athletes from New Zealand have delayed their arrival due to their government's advisory after Team Scotland stated that the Games Village was not fit for human inhabitation owing to the poor hygienic conditions prevalent at the facility. After Scotland officials
reached and visited the Residential Zone, they themselves have delayed the arrival of 41 of their own athletes. The officials said that the athletes are very enthusiastic about the Games but there will be no compromise on their health and security. While talking
to the media, Chairman of the Commonwealth Games Scotland Michael Cavanagh believed that the village is filthy and insecure and there are stray dogs roaming around in the area.
It looks like everything is going hay wire for the Commonwealth Games that are being held in a third world country like India for the first time in history. Critics had forewarned the administration and the Indian government that hosting such an event is
a risk for the repute of the country. The bridge that collapsed near the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium also put a number of delegates on high alert over the structural conditions of the Games venue. The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games were scheduled
to take place in this particular stadium. 27 people were injured in the bridge that collapsed on Tuesday.
Right from the beginning of the preparation process for the Commonwealth Games, the administration and the Organizing Committee of the Indian Commonwealth Games have been plagued by problems that hindered the procedural works. Firstly, the monsoon rains
caused consistent delays in the construction of the venues where the Games were to be held. Some venues had to be reconstructed as they collapsed due to heavy rainfall, while the construction of the other stadiums was simply not completed despite the deadlines
for the completion of the building. Next, the Organizing Committee was accused of the allegation of corruption and was subjected to a huge deal of criticism from the local public since inflation in the region was at its worst during this time.
Moving on, New Delhi has been struck by dengue fever and influenza due to an increase in mosquitoes in the city after the monsoon rains. These two diseases were at its peak in the past couple of weeks which caught the concern of the international community.
Two cyclists from the Indian squad have been rested due to dengue fever and are still recovering from it. The health advisory for the Games in response to the fears of the delegates has announced that the epidemic in now showing a declining trend and that
the delegates should take precautionary measures devised by the health advisory.
Furthermore, Scotland found the Residential Zone of the Games Village extremely filthy and unsafe for inhabitation. Their manager lodged a complaint with the Organizing Committee and asked for the reallocation of their residential block. The members of the
team management, with the help of the volunteers of the Games cleaned the block right from the top to the bottom.
And the problems continue to cause hindrances in the preparations of the Commonwealth Games. Indian Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh himself is taking notice of the issues related with the Games and also made a visit to the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, a day
before the bridge incident happened.
The Indian Government has decided to host such a mega event so that the country could make some economic development through the revenues that would be generated by such a large scale international event.



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