
Communication at Camp Casey, Korea?

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My boyfriend was just deployed for the first time to Camp Casey, South Korea yesterday. He thinks that they won't let us talk to each other for a couple weeks because of lock down. We both have computers with web cams ready to go, but I was wondering when I could expect to hear from him. There's a 13 hour time difference for us and I'm not sure what his days will look like. He's a PV2 and a Combat Medic in the Army........ any and all information would be MUCH appreciated!




  1. My husband was deployed to Camp Casey for 12 months back in 2005. I heard from him when he landed there. But it is always different. We were able to talk on a weekly bases. Because of the time difference I sacrificed much sleep to talk to him, as did he. You should be able to talk on the phone (which wont be cheap) and chat online. Be careful not to give out information. Never give out any Military info, places, date, etc. I am sure you already know that. You can email him as much as you would like. Sometimes it helps when you miss him just to let him know you are thinking of him. There will be times when you wont hear from him. There are lock downs. Best thing to do is try not to worry (easier said than done, trust me I know all too well). When he can get in touch with you he will. Sometimes it is better not to hear anything, means he is too busy or just isn’t allowed to. Which is better than getting  bad news.  Try not to ask too many questions, let him tell you what he thinks you need to know or what he is comfortable telling you. To lift his spirit and make you feel like you are taking care of him, send him weekly packages. Decorate the box, put cute and silly things that mean something to the two of you in the care package. I wrote my husband a daily letter to help fill in the gaps of the things he was missing and sent the letters in the weekly packages. Spray perfume on them. It gives them a little of home to look forward to. And some days they really need that. Good luck and I hope you two are reunited soon!

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