
Communication difficulties?

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well i've had it most of my life, but now it seems i may have perhaps noticed them more. I dunno what it is, or perhaps ur also wondering what it has to do with astrology, idk either but

my north node is in pisces

taurus sun, scorpio moon, scorpio rising, mars in aquarius

chiron in gemini

chiron in gemini resembles someone's struggle with communication

but I also have mercury in taurus, could that be conflicting with moon in scorpio or my scorpio rising, since I accordingly present myself to the world as a scorpio? could it be the north node in pisces that's starting to gradually fill its place in my life

or could I just be becoming schizophrenic... and/or kinda going thru the midlife stages of growing up that a lot of ppl around my age (19s, 20s and such) kind go thru from time to time?

my problem is, that I'm always miscommunicating and I'm always interpreting something someone says as if they are saying and meaning something else than what they really are.

or i could mispercieve them as being vindictive and up to something than what they are...

when they ask questions like "did you see that lady that asked you this morning could she go outside to staple together some boxes?"

when I can't help but wonder why someone would speak to me that way, knowing who the lady was, seeing it happen, and knowing what had happened better than I did, cus i didnt remember, and kind of asking me did I see that lady who asked permission to do something I can't permit or deny her to do. kinda made me feel like they were up to something, trying to investigate stuff or whatever. the lady had a name. I been there long enough to know who she was talking about and she had been there longer than me, but she asked "did you see that lady who asked you for permission to staple boxes?" instead of just asking what she wanted to ask like... why did she, where was she, who do u think u are to be boss, or u know, else talk to her or something like that. idk ppl r crazy but so am I, I guess.




  1. Isn't Gemini the sign of Communication?

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