
Communication experts argue that there is no way that a human being cannot communicate.?

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Communication experts argue that there is no way that a human being cannot communicate.How possible is this




  1. Non verbal communication... It's unavoidable... even when your standing still, you give off non-verbal ques....NLP.. or neurological programing has  vast information on  cues we give off subconsciously....because alot of the cues we give off are not on a conscious level....we are not able to detect when we are doing them....

    which means, we are always communicating..

  2. Its not just possible, its true.

    No matter what you do in a situation, it communicates something about yourself.

    If you don't speak, it communicates the fact that you DONT want to communicate.

    Everything you do (or dont do) communicates something.

  3. Yes, it's true.  We are always communicating, even without speaking a work our body communicates for us through movement and positioning.

    Non-verbal communication is expressed through your proxemics (how close your boy is to another individual: this is especially important in cross-cultural exchanges), kinesics (body movement, posture, hand and facial gestures, etc.), haptics (physical touch such as handshakes), etc.

    Often times, non-verbal communication is MORE important than what you actually verbalize.  Your words often say one thing and your body language says another.  Being an effective and respectful non-verbal communicator is a great skill to possess.  

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