
Community College is so boring, how can I cope?

by  |  earlier

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please don't be rude, I want to get through this.




  1. Why are you going to community college? You are certainly not learning anything by doing the things you report. You are paying for an education. Don't you intend to get one? It's up to you how much you learn, so pay attention, do extra work, ask questions. Don't waste all that money and time!!!

  2. yea i go to community college too. & yes i know it is HELLLAAA boring! well just the classes i dont know people in. i usually just get through boring classes by planning out my week while sitting in class or thinkin about what ima do next who ima kick it w/. stuff like that. or like listen to music, draw, write! w/e. um or between classes i go to the library and go online & stuff. so its cool. or go eat  & hit um some frends for a bit. just **** like that.  

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