
Community Service Ideas??

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What is a good place for a girl who is 12 turning 13 in january. She needs to get some hours for school so if you have any ideas that would be great.. Thanks




  1. try public library

  2. You can volunteer your time in numerous ways. The humane society for one. But there are care centers for the elderly and blind, Special Olympic events and community centers like Albertina Kerr where needs of abused and traumatized children are addressed. You can also assist candidates by circulating their brochures and information. Just contact your local election office or go on line for volunteer opportunities.

  3. Find an elderly person in your neighborhood.  We paid someone $250 a month to check on our 88 year old Aunt.  Just knock on the door and call us if she didn't answer. YOu can find someone. /

  4. Depends on her interests, personality, and availability in your area. If she enjoys animals check with the local animal shelter. If she is more people oriented, you may want to check with nursing homes, hospitals, domestic violence or homeless shelters, a local church program, food bank, or even assisting with younger children in an organization such as Boys and Girls club. Things she might do are clean/sanitize toys, sort food or clothing items, serve food, stuff envelopes for fundraisers, copy fliers, read to elderly or children. You may want to tailor it toward her future career aspirations, which would also give her some valuable insight, such as filing in a city/county office, police department, radio station, community theater, parks and recreation. If she wants to be a teacher, maybe she could assist a grade school teacher by making cut outs, stapling packets, etc. The possibilities are endless, and depending on your resources, you may have to be creative. You'd be surprised how many people might be willing to come up with something  useful for her to do that is age appropriate. Just make sure it suits her personality.Good Luck!

  5. Humane Society working with the animals

    Nursing Home, she can be a companion to some of the people there.

    Day Care Center, she can help the children do crafts, give a hand to the workers, etc.

    PreSchool or learning center, she can be an assistant in the classroom as a volunteer.

    Library, she can read to the children and help them return books to their shelves.

    Hospital.  She can do what used to be known as Candy Striper.  I'm not sure if that's what they still are, but there are plenty of things she can from the gift shop, to wheeling patients to their rooms and to tests, etc.   I know they used to have to be 14, I'm not sure if it's still that way, you'd have to call.

    If you know someone that is doing daycare out of their home, they can give her a volunteer job working with the kids.  She can do crafts with them, play, read to them, etc.  As long as the Daycare Provider is Certified, she can do that and the Provider can sign the necessary papers for her to say that she did the volunteer work that she needed to do.

    Day camps.  She can go and volunteer to help the counselors.  She can assist in the crafts, play time, etc.

    Call around to these local places and ask them, but before you do, talk to your daughter, or whoever this girl is, I would make sure this is something SHE wants to do.  If it's something she wants, she'll be more willing to go and learn from.  She may also want to do something that she can further learn more about, etc, like if this is something that she may want to do in the future.  I would talk to her and talk about what options she has, and then call these places, tell them her age and see if they can offer her something.  I believe the Humane Society will take volunteers at this age, as will the library.  

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

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