
Community Service as Volunteer?

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I want to do some community service(of course unpaid , during weekends) in Glasgow (Cumbernauld) . I am not British , dont know much about British / Scottish culture , but I am quite keen to contribute as much as I can - Do u know of any good service institute or Church - group actively engaged in Community work like (helping old people / children/ .../planning activity/admin work - all unpaid ofcourse).




  1. You should go to social services or the local authority.  You won't be able to work with children as they are quite rightly deemed to be vulnerable and you need to get a police certificate to say you are okay to work with children and you have no convictions against you..

  2. Go to your local library they will have details of voluntary groups or organisations you can join. They should also have details of the local Association of Voluntary Organisations which will be able to list current projects where work is available so you can choose what you want to do.

  3. there are plenty of organizations that need help I would personnally look at people like the Red Cross, who do loads and its very enjoyable, St Johns are the same, you could also try Youth Work (County Council services) they will all require a CRB check but its all worthwhile.

    The reason I mentioned red cross first is that they do a lot more than meets the eye have a look into transport and escort work (No not that type of Escort..) and much much more.

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