
Community fish (tropical)?

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I'm getting a Juwel Vision 180, and I'm going to have neon tetras and black tetras and also a small shoal of glass cats. I had a tropical community tank but had to leave it with my partner when we separated so I'm starting afresh! Any ideas?! Community please!




  1. Like Stephen M says, get mollies and guppies.  You could also consider cardinal tetras, which are a bit redder in the belly than neons.  A couple of loaches would add a touch of interest, and are good for the tank.

  2. Sounds O.K. to me

  3.         Get some mollies. They're excellent community fish and will come to know you very well. They're also hardy and easy to maintain.

  4. guppies cory dorus mollies platies sword tails headstander - they cool

  5. Sounds good, you could also try clown loaches, if you want easy fish to breed mollies, platies,swordtails, guppies and white cloud minnows. Good Luck :)

  6. go for live bareers most are hardy

  7. Great choice of tank! It will serve you well in the long run, jewel's always do (or so i'm told, I really really want one, but I always get tempted by cheaper ones!)

    Sorry to hear about you having to leave your tank behind, I bet it was lovely.

    Well, for a 180 litre tank you could get a good variety of tropicals, but to start your Neon's and black tetra's sound good!

    After you've introduced them and they look happy, maybe you could try some platty's and mollies, they're not as exciting as guppies and the likes but they are good to get your tank going! Your glass catfish sound great but they may grow a bit big for the tetra's so you might have to invest in a second tank in the long run.

    Cloud minnows are also quite interesting in a community tank along with zebra danios. Cherry and Tiger barbs are also wonderful (but only when mixed with fish of a similar aggression / size as they very quickly manage to gain and keep dominance!)

    Good luck with your new tank, and have fun!

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