
Community service for highschool?

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So i'm going into 9th grade and we have 40 hours of communitry service/volunteer work that we need to do.

The problem is that i have no idea where i should volunteer and what places would accept me. I am not planning to volunteer at schools (so that's not an option). No libraries either please i want something that's enjoyable.

What other places do you think will need volunteering help??





  1. Hospital

    animal shelters

    soup kitchen

    Ronald mcdonald


    Senior Citizens Center

    Church Youth Group

    Red cross/salvation army

    Old peoples home

    or you could try looking around at the shops in your area, get people to recommend and ask around!

    talking to a school counsellor or a teacher would help as they would know the area and where the safest places and most rewarding are

    hope i helped!

  2. Some volunteer ideas for high school aged teens -

    Food Pantry - Organizing food, handing out food, cleaning

    Hospital - candy striper, work in the gift shop, read to patients, stock nursing supplies, help nurse take patients for tests

    Senior Citizen Home - Be company to the elderly, read to them, help write letters, play games, entertain

    Churches - Feed the homeless, either at the facility or maybe they have it in a park

    Community Center - tutoring, helping with after school camp, hanging out with elderly people (playing cards, etc)

    March for Babies (March of Dimes) or similar walk - Get sponsors to donate money for you to walk.

    Salvation Army or other places that have services for the homeless - help serve food, clean up, hand out socks, etc.

    Museums, Aquariums - Office work, helping with handing out brochures and education, and many other opportunities depending on facility

    Parks - trash pick up, trail maintenance, planting, helping with educational programs

    Special Olympics - fundraising, sports training, office work

    Environmental Organizations - Help clean up beach, parks, etc, fundraising, lead hikes or walks

    Run a fundraiser at your school - Pennies for Patients, collect used books for an elementary school, sock drive to donate to Salvation Army (socks are very important for homeless people's health).

    Habitat for Humanity Youth Program - fundraising, education, advocacy, building homes if 16 yrs old

    Your school guidance counselor should be able to give you ideas of local organizations.

    Have fun!

  3. Children's Hospital, Nursing Homes, Food Banks; these are good as well as rewarding,check them out.

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