
Community service in mexico?

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I am in high school and I am living in Rosarito for the summer and I have been wanting to do community service like helping at orphanages or anything like that and I really needed some kind of a website for this. I Google it and I get nothing in my area of Rosarito. I am not willing to go to mexico City or anywhere but here.




  1. Rosarito has a had a huge population spurt in the last few years, which means there's probably an opportunity for you there somewhere. A lot of people from poorer parts of Mexico have migrated there to find work.

    I found a link to the St. Innocent Orphanage which has a facility near Rosarito. The link for Project Mexico is below.

    You may also check with the locals to find out whether there's a chapter of the "American Society" or some other U.S. expatriate group operating in Rosarito. They could hook you up with charities to get involved with. Check out the Gringo Gazette newspaper and look for ads for meetings of expats. (Call the local reporter for contacts, too). Or, you could also look for the local Rotary Club or the Lion's Club to ask about their charity work.

    Failing that, try to get involved with the largest Catholic church in town. The priest there should be able to tell you about any orphanages or feed-the-poor efforts that are available.

    I'm sure there's a lot more to do charitywise in Tijuana, but that may be too far for you to travel everyday.

    Also, if you're looking for an internship experience, the Fox studio is located just outside central Tijuana and they may be looking for summer help. (link below)

  2. There does seem to be a void there. I've never been anywhere near there, but I kinda have the impression that Rosarito is (or wants to be) a resort town where they don't admit to hardships in the neighborhood. I did run across this website (in Spanish) where you can post your availability.

    Try knocking on doors and see what comes up. Take care and good luck.

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