
Compact Flash , HELP !?

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On my card reader for the compact flash all the little pins inside keep moving and getting bent and then eventually i need to buy a new reader , does anyone know how you dont bend them,




  1. Something is really wrong. I took part in defining the PCMCIA connector standard that was the predecessory to compact flash. I assume everytime you used the connector, the flash card eventually went back into the camera and yet the camera pins aren't bent. The guideposts are designed to accommodate a decent lifetime of insertions. My guess is that your reader came partially defective (crooked pins) and it's been a struggle to use every since. Otherwise it should stay perfect like your camera.

  2. When you insert the CF Card, you need to make sure to apply the force evenly and insert the card squarely.

    Don't press the card by the corner, cause it will shift the card while you are inserting the card into the slot and cause the pins to bent.

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