
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs are manufactured where? Are any produced in the USA?

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If so, by what company and in which state? I would like to confirm (yeah or nay), if all CFB's are really manufactured in China. A radio personality recently reported that as we buy more and more CFBs, the Chinese build more coal powered plants to produce the electricity needed to fuel its manufacturing facilities. We all kow that China pays little attention to air quality and global warming. I'm trying do decide if CFB use has a net positive effect on our environment.




  1. Almost everywhere in many countries.  The net effect of CFL is on consumption of electricity.  It consumes 7 times less energy which ultimately will affect production and requirement of electricity which is mostly produced by burning fossil fuels which lead to pollution.

  2. Compact fluorescents actually reduce mercury pollution.

    They contain a very tiny amount.  Fossil fuels also contain mercury and the amount of mercury released by an incandescent bulb through burning fossil fuels is greater than the amount in a compact fluorescent.

    Of course, it's better if you properly dispose of the old bulbs.  But no matter what, they reduce mercury pollution.

  3. With one "savings" comes another headache...these bulbs contain a small amount of mercury.  Hmmm, don't hear about this from the Environmentalists do you.  

    For more info see the Environmental issues section here:

    Alson farther down the page:

    "Unfortunately, at this time, many territories do not provide recycling facilities for fluorescent bulbs. As such, many CF bulbs are crushed in landfills, exposing air and water to mercury vapour."

    You decide....

  4. Jinhui from China

    Here's the first page of a list of manufactures of compact fluorescent bulbs.  Though China is represented on the list, China is not the only place where these bulbs are made.

    Yuyao from China http://money-detector.chinese-suppliers....

    Many more sources from China:

    (I HAD NO IDEA!!)

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