
Company car?

by  |  earlier

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I have a car i paid into at work i was told it would be in my name so i put in £9,500. Company then put it into their name after 9 months. I stood to lose money as i work in field sales and run up 100k miles over 3 years. So i left the job now i have asked for all my money back, do you think i am unreasonalble. I have transferred the car back into my name. I just want my money back for the car. I am thinking of selling it and taking it back and giving them whats left. They are also withholding my pay and holiday pay over this, is this legal. What do i do?




  1. Firstly, its illegal to withhold salary, thata a very clear point.

    There are no grounds, even if you steal millions or kill the boss, in which they can withhold salary. You should adress that one legally immediately, and completely seperately to the car issue. Get your solicitor to MAKE it a seperate issue, don't entertain them connecting the car and salary.

    As for you paying into a company car, I'm afraid you are going to have to dig out the T&Cs for that agreement, it all depends on the contract between you and the company, specifically what the contract syas if you terminate the employment contract.

    To be honest, i doubt if it looks good, and if the contract says you forfit your part by resigning you are probably in the position where you have stolen the car by transferring it to your name.

    Don't trust Yahoo, get onto legel advice straight away.

    I don't know how you can transfer it back to your name if they own it. That could be theft, deception or forgery depending on how you did it.

    As am employer, i know that if i promised staff title to a car I would make sure they forfit it if they resigned - thats just common sense from a business point of view - and thats why i suggest it doesn't look too good for you.

    Selling the car and giving them the remainder cash above £9.5K will not change anything in law. If they want title today and you sell the car, they will come after the £9.5K.

    You need to leave the car in a secure place, keep it insured, and negotiate to an agreement, any other action is confrontational.

  2. If the car was in the company name, how could you transfer it back into your name without their signature or consent?  Surely there was a written agreement for such a large sum as 9500. ?  You will have to provide more information before you can expect a decent answer

  3. I, too, am confused with what you say.  Did you buy the car or did the company? If you did, it's yours and nothing whatever to do with them. If they did, why on earth did you pay them a large lump of money?

    Whatever is on the V5 is nothing to do with legal ownership of the car (presuming you're in the UK), so why you should be swapping it to and fro is beyond me.

    I think you need to get your facts together and go and see a solicitor.

  4. I may be missing something here but if the car was originally in your name, then you must have signed over the registration document to the company for it to be changed to their name 9 months later. Now you say the car is back in your name but again I cannot see how as the registration document needs to be changed each time.

    You do not say how old the car is now or what the value of the car was new (assuming it was a new car) but most rep mobile drop a load of money in the first year especially if a new version has been launched.

    You need to be more precise on 'ownership' of the vehicle, what its is and how old, then perhaps you will get a more informed answer.
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