
Company is doing BAD & office manager is quitting and dividing her tasks to the rest of us when she leaves

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Once she leaves, on top of our main jobs, (mine being paralegal), I would also be doing some of the administrative side of the office work. Since it is more responsibility divided among all of us, is it improper to ask for more money? I really dont want the other jobs, but if I get more money, I will mull it over....




  1. If the company is in financial jeopardy, it probably cannot afford to increase salaries.  The office manager most likely has been asked to resign, and they are divvying up her duties to cut costs.  If this is not acceptable to you and you can afford to quit, then quit.  I think you would be justified.  However, if you cannot afford to just quit without having another job, then you had best stay put and in the meantime look for another job where your duties would be strictly the paralegal ones.

  2. If the company is in bad shape, there probably isn't any more money.  I'd be looking for another job.

    But it doesn't hurt to ask.

  3. Look for another job, quick !!

  4. You can ask but I doubt you'll get it.  Law firms are downsizing all over the place, and your company may be in bad enough financial shape to not have any more money.  If the company is in really bad shape, you should move (fast) on getting another job and quitting before they run out of money.  One of the really big law firms went bad but didn't tell any of their employees--the partners all took a huge chunk and start fleeing like rats.  One day the employees were told that that was all of their last days.  They got paid up to that day but they had to sue to get their 401K, unused vacation pay, etc.--there were suddenly thousands of support staff looking for jobs.

  5. If the business is not doing well, I doubt you will be able to get more money.  You can try.

    Now might be a good time to take a hint from the office manager and look elsewhere.

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