
Company trademark.?

by  |  earlier

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How does one protect their company trademark (Logo) without actually registering with companies house in London.

I am not wholly concerned with the company name being replicated, as it's just initials and quite common, just the logo.

Thanks in advance.




  1. ™ is trademark gives you protection with no registration

    ® is registered trademark (meaning registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office)

  2. Without officially registering it, you can't proof that is your design. Unless you have used it on some kind of advertising which can show the date published.

    And since the initial is quite common... what about the design of the initial, is it just a common font? or is it actually a "made up" design? If it is "made up" then it's not likely someone else may come up the identical design.

    But for more protection, it's always good to register it.
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